Happy New Year! Here’s to a better, more joyful 2021. We know that, in many ways, most of you have endured an incredibly difficult year. You’ve been away from family and friends, isolated and alone at times, and grieved the loss of a loved one amidst this pandemic.
Everyone has had to make adjustments during COVID, and we are no different. Despite new rules and regulations, we always do our best to provide the same level of service our families and community have come to expect. We thank you for being patient with us during this challenging time.
Even though this holiday season looked a little different, we were still able to carry out a few of our traditions:
We have missed seeing you this past year but will hopefully return soon to hosting our WISE educational seminars, in-person grief classes, and Lake Ridge Ladies and Lake Ridge Men events.
Please contact us if we can assist you in any way. We pray for more hope, joy, and light to come!